Commission information and pricing
🌸I work in small batches because of arthritis, which flares in the colder months. As the weather gets warmer, this becomes less of an obstacle, but i'll always be forward with my availability🌸c: I promise to be easy to contact and typically work very quickly.🌳My pricing is an estimate and may change depending on the details of the commission.
🌳I mostly work on small projects like icons and busts, but I can do more
🌳Tipping is appreciated, but not required! You can leave tips on my ko-fi or include them when you pay!
🌳I accept Paypal and Facebook PayTOS
🌸I do not do NSFW, nor do I work with most kinks.
🌸My work is not available to be used commercially.
🌸I reserve the right to promote myself using any commissioned images.
🌸I don't work with MLP, or other kid's-show characters (.
🌸I do not tolerate pushy clients, please respect my space and message respectfully <3 I am on PSTRefunds:
🌸I do not refund full amounts after I have begun the final/linework draft. Refunds will be provided minus the value of work completed, and the sketch will be repurposed or trashed.
I often work extra hard to go back and add colored lines to pieces as part of my 'style'.
If you have concerns over price, you can ask that I skip this and leave them black c: we can rework the pricing at that time.🌱Icons🌱
Close-up/Maw shot:$20
-a bit extra for blood, extravagant drool
-Crops out much of the face to focus on eyes/mouth
Bit more body: $25
-Especially for ferals, this will show more than just the face
Portrait: $35
-shows off the top half of a character
- lots of body detail, usually no clothes☘️Anthro Bodies☘️
Full-body: $45
Gore add-ons are available for any project. I can do realistic red blood in moderation. Candy/fantasy gore is fun too!🌵Feral Bodies🌵
Full-body: $35